This attractive diving base was designed for those who prefer scratch-resistant acrylic, and is available in standard white, or one of 3 designer upgrade colors.

and 8 ft.) The fiberglass Techni-Spring set up is one of our most popular diving bases Inter-Fab manufactures. Trademark number 740790 was filed on and is categorised as "word" (application status: "removed, dead"). Inter-Fab Techni-Spring Steel Spring Assembly Only (6 ft. We found 24 trademarks that mention this company. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on. The company has also used 3 business names, namely Ardor Home from, Interfab from to. In total the company used 1 trading name. Interfab Pty Ltd has been using the Interfab Imports trading name since (it has to be noted that the Australian Business Register no longer collects or updates trading names). Interfab Pty Ltd was registered for the GST on.
Easy to install, comes with full instructions or just go to and view a complete assembly and installation video. The previous headquarters were located in VIC 3175 (from to ), VIC 3175 (from to ), and VIC 3170 (from to ). The Inter-Fab CITY2 White Pool Slide Kit is a big ride and big value it’s also fast, fun and safe. If you still see a paper jam message, check the other paper jam solutions. Follow the prompts on the LCD screen to clear any error messages. Reinsert the rear cover into your product. Caution: Do not touch the parts shown below otherwise, they may be damaged. Since, the company is headquartered in VIC, post code 3175. Remove any jammed paper from the rear cover. Its Australian Business Number is 49006346756. This limited warranty shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of irrespective of whether the claims are made in contract, tort, warranty, law, equity or by statue.

This corporation was registered on and was issued with the 006346756 ACN. Bulk Orders Home > ADA Approved Pool Lifts > Inter Fab I-Lift ITEM SEARCH RESULTS results for 'Inter Fab I-Lift' Showing: Click to view In Stock Only ADAIFITOPANCHOR I-LIFT SURFACE MOUNT ANCHOR Vendor: S.R.SMITH Availability - Discontinued Item Discontinued Item: Only Discontinued Item available, while supplies last. : Inter-Fab Limited Warranty Inter-Fab, Inc., and expressly does not cover any labor or reinstallation expenses related to the replacement of any and all Inter-Fab products. Interfab Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company.